
Agenda 2024


Event Date 25th April 2024



Delegate Registration


Welcoming the guests and Lighting of the Lamp by Chairperson and Chief Guest. Invocation


Introduction Of the breakfast Panel


Breakfast Session 1: Creating Balanced Leadership:

Leading in a disruptive universe, Looking into workplace issues, Generational changes and changing business environments and offering strategies for leaders to address them.


Break For Tea/Coffee; Networking Breakfast


Invocation and Indian Classical Dance Tribute


High Powered Inaugural Session -


Keynote Address by Dr Sharmila Banerjee, Chairperson IWLF


Keynote Address - Chief Guest

Driving Change from the Top

When it comes to transformation, every enterprise is different. There is often a change agent (or a set of change agents) with a vision, a knowledge of good practices, a sense of urgency, and the energy to battle impediments.

The change agent(s) may be anywhere in the organisational structure: high, low, or—in

a typical scenario— somewhere in middle management. But what makes top-down change unique is that the leader has lots of organisational power—in particular, command-and-control power.

⮚ So how can a senior leader take advantage of his or her position of power in the organisation without undermining team empowerment? Vision and Urgency, the first area a senior leader needs to focus on is setting and communicating a clear vision.

⮚ Here the position at the top of the hierarchy is an advantage: not only can the senior leader see the larger picture of the business’s goals, but he or she has a platform for communicating across the entire team and, to some extent, the entire enterprise.


Keynote Address - Guest of Honor

Embracing the Future

⮚ We live in a time of accelerating change, when the fortunes of companies rise and fall

faster than ever before, driven by new technologies, global competition and heightened consumer expectations.

⮚ We can choose how we respond to these dramatic shifts—by seeing the challenges

before us, or by seizing the enormous opportunities that arise from embracing the future.

In this engaging keynote speech, our esteemed speaker insights into the possibilities and potential of the world today, and the action you can take to create an extremely successful future for yourself and your company.


High Powered CEO Session 2: LEADERSHIP IN THE ERA OF A.I. - Future is here, The New Normal.

⮚ “A.I. is the new normal” succinctly captures the idea that artificial intelligence has

become an integral and commonplace part of our daily lives and various industries. It signifies that A.I. technologies and applications are no longer limited to specialised fields, but have permeated mainstream society, influencing everything from technology, healthcare, finance and entertainment to transportation, communication, and more. This statement highlights the persuasive impacts and ubiquity of A.I. in the contemporary world.

Exploring qualifications beyond the confines of a traditional resume, leveraging a comprehensive view of skills, experiences, and potential contributions in a professional context.

⮚ Emphasising holistic evaluation in the AI field, transcending traditional reliance on

resumes and focusing on skills, achievements, and practical contributions.

⮚ Impact of machine learning and set algorithm patterns on the traditional workforce and redefining the creative process.


Networking Lunch



⮚ Transformational Leadership: The Leader Who Works from Anywhere" encapsulates the concept of a leader who embodies the principles of transformational leadership while embracing the flexibility and adaptability of remote work.

⮚ This leader leverages technology and innovative approaches to inspire and guide their team, regardless of physical location, driving organisational success and growth.

⮚ In this era, there are numerous startups that are being launched and the new breed of millennial leaders have emerged as successful entrepreneurs

⮚ How important it is to adopt to the new and innovative concepts of leadership


Session 4: Why being an Effective Male Ally isn’t an “Extra”- it’s a Necessity.

“Allyship” is a strategic mechanism used by individuals to support and collaborate, who make equality in workspace through authentic public acts of sponsorship and advocacy. By understanding their own privileges, male allyship plays a crucial role in equitable culture.

Importance and Impact of male allyship in:

⮚ Addressing Gender Bias

⮚ Creating safe space

⮚ Modelling Inclusive Behaviour/p>

⮚ Holding themselves accountable What has been achieved and the road ahead


Valedictory Address

Keynote address by Bhramakumaris“POWER OF SELF NURTURE AND HEAL“

( 3 C’s of Spirituality) Connection, Compassion and Contribution and connect to the soul the state of being.


Valedictory tribute – Performance



Recognizing and Honouring the True Leaders

*Speakers’ /organizations’ names are indicative and are subject to confirmation.